Filming Change

Filming Change

The world is changing and mobile filmmaking captures political movements as they happen. YouTube channel WITNESSToolKit released an insightful video on how to film a protest to ensure that your video makes an impact. 

  • Prepare to Film
    • Know your audience and what you want your film to accomplish.
    • Visit the location in advance. Know where to position yourself for good video and audio as well as accessible exit points.
  • Before You Film
    • Understand the risks to yourself, those you are filming and their communities.
    • Know if you need to protect people's identities. It's your responsibility to protect those you are filming.
  • What to Film
    • Determine what specific images and audio will best engage your audience.
    • Vary your shots to keep viewer's attention (establishing, medium, close-up).
    • Film details to support your story (signage etc.).
    • Record date, time, location in your shots.
    • Capture first person accounts and interviews.
    • Missing a key piece of footage? Ask someone to recount what happened.

Watch the entire video for more details:




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